A webinar series on “Women In Wildlife” held on 4th October 2023, in celebration of National Wildlife Week

06 - Oct - 2023

We are thrilled to share that Ms. Ajanta Dey, Joint Secretary and Project Director of NEWS, was invited to speak at a webinar series on “Women In Wildlife” held on 4th October 2023, in celebration of National Wildlife Week. 🌍🦓
Organized by Environmental Information, Awareness, Capacity Building, and Livelihood Programme (#EIACP) on Wetland Ecosystem, including Inland Wetlands, Salim Ali Centre for Ornithology and Natural History #SACON EIACP, South India Centre of Wildlife Institute of India, Anaikatty, Coimbatore, Tamil Nadu, this week-long series brings together women from around the globe working in the field of wildlife. 🦉
Ms. Dey’s talk, titled “Shared Resources and Co-existence: Connecting Dots in the Ecosystem,” began with a powerful emphasis on wildlife conservation and collaborative efforts across different strata to build resilience. She shared her personal journey, transitioning from a different background out of sheer love for the subject. 🌱
Key highlights of her insightful presentation included the decline of the salamander population in Namthing Pokhri and NEWS’s efforts to mitigate the issue through community participation and ex-situ breeding. She also shed light on the positive impact of NEWS’s conservation efforts on the economy and local communities. 👥💚She has also delved into the intricate ecosystem of the Sundarbans, discussing the association of mangroves and showcasing breathtaking videos of mudskippers and aquatic birds around the mangrove plantation. 🌊
The presentation addressed critical issues such as the degradation of natural ecosystems, the decline of bird populations due to plastic use, and the destruction of habitats. Heart-wrenching photographs were shared, revealing the impact of anthropogenic activities on the environment, such as clumps of nets found in the stomachs of dolphins. 📸🐬
Throughout the talk, Ms. Dey underscored the importance of a dialogue change model through multi-stakeholder partnership building, emphasizing the art of collaboration for synergistic solutions. She shared NEWS’s vision with participants: “Ensuring sustainable and functioning ecosystems for a wise planet.” 🌳✨
In addition to her professional insights, Ms. Dey candidly discussed the challenges of being a female conservationist, highlighting the juggling act women often face in balancing family and career. Her words resonated with over 30 participants, and the interactive session was lively and engaging. 🗣️👏