MEAL framework,24

15 to 20 - Jul - 2024

To develop a comprehensive 5-year strategy supported by a robust #MEAL (Monitoring, Evaluation, Accountability, and Learning) framework, Nature Environment & Wildlife Society (NEWS) has assigned “EcoNiche” – a consulting organization, to facilitate the entire process. Following EcoNiche’s thorough situation analysis and SWOC (Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, Challenges) assessment, a series of strategic workshops has been planned from July 15th to 20th 2024 as a part of this strategy building programme. The programme commenced with a “Situation Analysis: Validation Workshop” on July 15th, which aimed to validate the understanding of the organization’s current position by confirming the accuracy of the situation analysis, fostering a #collaborativeenvironment for critical self-assessment and ensuring active engagement from the NEWS team members. This was followed by a “Strategy Redefinition: Visioning Workshop” on July 16th and 17th, where the participants collectively created a clear vision and mission, outlined strategic priorities, and defined actionable steps through structured exercises designed to stimulate creative and innovative thinking.

Subsequently, the upcoming “Strategy Redefinition: Program Development Workshop” on July 18th and 19th will focus to translate the organization’s vision and mission into actionable programs, associated objectives and key areas of work by engaging the project and program teams in defining clear goals, identifying strategic priorities, and outlining specific initiatives that align with the organization’s overarching vision and mission. The strategy redefinition process will culminate in a “Strategy Redefinition: Consultation Workshop” on July 20th, bringing together all key stakeholders, including NEWS’s Governing Body members and Advisors to refine the organization’s vision and mission, validate key strategic priorities, and strengthen identified actionable steps.