Building a transnational, civil society partnership to increase the resilience of coastal populations in South Asia

Funded By: BMZ, Global Nature Fund


Project Duration: December 2021 to December 2024


The resilience of rural, vulnerable coastal communities to adverse impacts of global climate change is significantly strengthened in at least 20 communities in four countries (Sri Lanka, India, Bangladesh and Maldives), and civil society organisations from the four programme countries are very well networked and effectively implementing policy influencing strategies by improving their resources and structured knowledge transfer


Project Objective:


The objective of the project is to involve the local population to protect and restore 150 hectares of diverse and species-rich mangrove ecosystems in four regions of India and Sri Lanka, thereby creating alternative income opportunities for 1,400 subsistence families in the catchment areas, which are expected to increase their income by 50%. The measures also make an important contribution to climate protection (carbon sink for 240,000 t CO2).


Project Location: Sumotinagar, Sagar block, Manmathanagar, Gosaba block, District – South 24 Parganas building 

Building a transnational, civil society partnership to increase the resilience of coastal populations in South Asia

Funded By: BMZ, Global Nature Fund


Project Duration: December 2021 to December 2024


The resilience of rural, vulnerable coastal communities to adverse impacts of global climate change is significantly strengthened in at least 20 communities in four countries (Sri Lanka, India, Bangladesh and Maldives), and civil society organisations from the four programme countries are very well networked and effectively implementing policy influencing strategies by improving their resources and structured knowledge transfer


Project Objective:


The objective of the project is to involve the local population to protect and restore 150 hectares of diverse and species-rich mangrove ecosystems in four regions of India and Sri Lanka, thereby creating alternative income opportunities for 1,400 subsistence families in the catchment areas, which are expected to increase their income by 50%. The measures also make an important contribution to climate protection (carbon sink for 240,000 t CO2).


Project Location: Sumotinagar, Sagar block, Manmathanagar, Gosaba block, District – South 24 Parganas building