Dr. J.R.B Alfred
Dr. Alfred graduated from Assam and obtained his Master’s and Ph. D. degrees from Karnataka and Tamil Nadu respectively. After his post-Doctoral studies, he joined the North-Eastern Hill University, Shillong, where he served as Lecturer and Reader in Zoology before being appointed as Deputy Director, Eastern Regional Station, Zoological Survey of India, Shillong and later as Director of the Zoological Survey of India. A well-known Zoologist and taxonomist, he started his work on Limnology with special reference to Chironomids and moved on to Soil fauna dynamics in Jhum cultivation and ecology and behaviour of the Hoolock Gibbon from N.E. India. He has more than 30 years of research experience, having coordinated several research projects and participated in many faunal surveys and expeditions to different parts of India. He has represented India in a number of International conventions such as CITES, CBD-COP, SUBSTAA, GBIF-IUCN etc. He has published more than 300 scientific papers and 50 books. He is the President of the Zoological Society of Kolkata and the Vice-President of Nature Mates and is a member of the West Bengal Biodiversity Board.

Mr. Biswajit Roy Chowdhury
Mr. Roy Chowdhury is an eminent conservationist and wildlife expert. He is the founder secretary of NEWS and editor of the wildlife magazine Environ. He has been a member of the State Wildlife Board for the last 13 years. He is the writer of some legendary wildlife books, like, ‘Days in the Wild’, ‘Wild Wonders of India’, ‘Sundarbans: a majestic mangrove’ and several others.

Ms. Ajanta Dey
Joint Secretary & Program Director
Ms. Ajanta Dey has been working on ecological and environmental issues with an ecosystem approach for over two decades. She is the Joint Secretary & Programme Director of Nature Environment & Wildlife Society (NEWS). She is a member of the Commission on Ecosystems Management (CEM) – International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN) and also the Regional Co-ordinator of Living Lakes and Wetlands-South Asia. Ms. Dey also holds the position of Editor of Eastern India’s only wildlife and environment magazine, ENVIRON, and is also the member of Directorate of Distance Education, Vidyasagar University. She has worked on coastal restoration programme, human-wildlife conflict mitigation, water shed management etc and believes in partnership and building synergies at all levels to achieve the sustainable development goals. She believes in nature-based solutions and works in the science-community-policy interface to bring transformations to that effect.

Mr. Milon Sinha
Director - Fisheries and Animal Husbandry
Milon Sinha, is a M. Sc. in aquaculture having also extensive field level experience of fish culture and breeding of more than a decade. A nationally acclaimed Magur breeder developing improvised management practice for the same and acts as a regular resource person on this subject ranging from Universities to ICAR & State training programmes.For his significant contribution in the fisheries field, he has been acknowledged with several prestigious national awards like “Nabonmeshi Krishi Puroskar” from Indian Agriculture Research Institute(IARI,), Delhi, NFFD Award from Central Inland Capture Fisheries Research Institute( CICFRI), Kolkata, Hiralal Chowdhry Foundation Award from Central Institute of Fisheries Education( CIFE), Mumbai etc. He is also member of many important national level and regional institutional committe related to fisheries education, research and policy.

Dr. Chandrima Sinha
Program Manager - Planning & Monitoring
Chandrima holds Ph. D degree in Ecology and Environmental Science from University Of Kalyani. She was a Research Scholar in Zoological Survey of India. She has worked extensively for Wetland management and biodiversity conservation of different Ramsar sites of India. She is having 24 years experience including 7 years teaching experience.

Mrs. Oaindrila Chakraborty
Officer - HR & Development
Oaindrila has over a decade long experience in HR and Admin in the corporate sector. She loves to work and Coordinate office activities and operations. She is also passionate about computer designing .

Dr. Sukanta Gayen
Project Manager
Sukanta Gayen has over 12 years of experience on different fields viz. socio-economic and health status of rural people in West Bengal , Self Help Groups, Sanitation, Sustainable livelihoods etc. He worked as Field supervisor at Indian Statistical Institute (ISI) Kolkata, Research Scholar in University of California, ICAR-National Rice Research Institute, Cuttack, Odisha and others. He has a Master of Science degree in Integrated Rural Development and Management (IRDM) at Ramakrishna Mission Vivekananda University, Narendrapur and pursuing Philosophy of Doctorate (Ph.D.) from Dept. of Agriculture and Rural Development, West Bengal State University, Barasat, Kolkata. His interests lies in Agriculture abd Rural Development, livelihoods, women development and SHGs, participatory action research etc. Presently he is engaged in managing sustainable lilvelihoods programme in Sundarban.

Mr. Ayan Roy Chowdhury
Project Manager
Ayan Roy Chowdhury has done his graduation in Hotel Management from Bangalore university. He is passionate in wildlife photography since childhood which has converted into immense love for nature and wildlife. After working almost 20 years in Jet Airways, he decided to dedicate himself for the welfare of nature and wildlifeand promote environmental awareness and joined NEWS.

Ms. Ranjana Saha
Field Biologist
Ranjana holds a Master’s degree in Environmental Sciences and a Post Graduate Diploma in Remote Sensing & GIS. She has more than 8 years of experience in Wildlife Conservation field. Her interest lies in research towards Species Conservation and Landscape Ecology with the help of Geo-informatics. She is currently working on a project entitled “Impact of habitat management in 3 PAs of North Bengal” funded by WBFBCP. Side by side she just finished another project of Floristic studies with associated avian fauna in forest patches of West Bengal

Mr. Arijit Chakraborty
Project Manager
Arijit holds M.Sc. degree in Zoology with specialization in Aquaculture and Fisheries from The University of Burdwan. He was a Senior Research Fellow at RRC, ICAR-CIFA, Kalyani Field Station under NASF funded Hilsa project. He has more than 10 years experience in fisheries research. His areas of interest in research are standardization of freshwater aquaculture of diversified species including fish breeding & larval rearing protocol, ex-situ conservation of threatened freshwater Indian endemic fish species through standardization of captive breeding, larval rearing and brooder management techniques along with linking with the livelihood of the marginal fish farmers to make it sustainable.

Dr. Nimai Bera
Project Manager
Dr. Nimai Bera holds M.Sc., M. Phil and Ph. D. degree in Environmental Science, with more than 8 years of research expertise. He has worked under a Space Application Centre, ISRO Sponsored network project on “Energy and Mass Exchange in Vegetation System” for measurement of Heat, Carbon-di-oxide and Water flux in Rice ecosystem during his Ph.D. program. He has experience in preparation of wildlife and biodiversity conservation plan for NMDC, Chattishgarh. He has worked at RRC, ICAR-Central Institute of Freshwater Aquaculture (ICAR-CIFA) for more than 3 years for livelihood development and fish based integrated farming in Sundarban. Since 2019 he is associated with NEWS as the Project Manager

Mr. Sourav Bera
Project Manager
Sourav Bera has a background in Geography with a specialization in remote sensing and geographical information system, he is passionate about ecosystem conservation and restoration. He is involved in the monitoring role of the plantation activities – Capacity building of the community and surveillance. He is interested about supporting and empowering the local communities to lead reforestation and biodiversity protection. He values the importance of our connection to nature. He is working with NEWS since 2018 that makes him happy to be part of the solution to mitigating climate change.

Mr. Ritwik Ray
Project Manager
Ritwik Ray is a Masters in Sociology from Calcutta University, having more than 19 years extensive field and managerial level experience with different social development organizations in India and Bangladesh across a wide range of developmental projects including Livelihood development program, Women empowerment through SHG promotion programme (NABARD & NRLM), Financial Literacy Drive by GOI, Youth & Adolescents strengthening programme. Presently associated as Project Manager with NEWS.

Mr. Papai Dubey
Project Manager
Papai Dubey is a Zoology graduate and Masters in Social work. He has more than 10 years experience in the development sector in diverse thematic areas. He has worked extensively with the community at the grassroot level and experienced various participatory tools like Social Audit, Citizens Report Card, Participatory Learning and Action (PLA) on health and nutrition, on preparing of Village Health action Plan (VHAP), Participatory School development Plan, Integrated participatory Planning Exercise (IPPE), and the Gram Panchayat Development Plan (GPDP). He has been a former member of the State Resource Team for GPDP and has been working in NEWS since 2018 as a Team leader and Community Mobilization Specialist and presently he is a part of the Research and Development Team and involved in monitoring and management of the MIS of different projects.

Mr. Saikat Manna
Field Botanist
Saikat is a Doctoral Research Fellow in Dept. of Botany, University of Calcutta. Former Research Fellow and PBR Monitoring assistant in West Bengal Biodiversity Board, Dept. of Environment. He is experienced in the field of plant ecology especially in ecosystem restoration and management since past 10 years. Skilled in identification of vascular plants, exploration of indigenous traditional knowledge and plant community analysis. Proficient in field surveys, team leading, documentation through community interaction, sampling methods and data analysis. Published quality research articles on fundamental plant ecology and phytosociology in journals of international repute.

Mr. Abhishek
Project Manager
Abhishek has a master’s in Environmental science and is a budding Herpetologist with more than a decade of experience in wildlife conservation. A field person who has excellent exposure to wildlife rescue and rehabilitation thus leading the team in Human-Elephant conflict mitigation in Valmiki Tiger Reserve and Katarniyaghat Wildlife Sanctuary.

Mr. Sabyasachi Chakraborty
Documentation and Communication Officer
Sabyasachi Chakraborty holds a post-graduate degree in Marine Science from University of Calcutta. He has worked as a research fellow in several research projects sponsored by Govt. of India and Govt. of West Bengal in the field of environmental and estuarine sciences surrounding the Sundarban mangrove vegetation. Presently, he is engaged with Nature Environment and Wildlife Society (NEWS) as Marine Biologist in different projects

Mr. Sitangshu Das
Assistant Biologist
Sitangshu joined NEWS in 2019 and holds a MSc. degree in Environmental Science from University of Calcutta & a diploma in ‘Wildlife Management’. He is currently working as Assistant Biologist and has been involved in writing project proposals and feasibility studies, assessment of Floral and Faunal diversity. His interest lies in action-based research towards effective measures for reducing human-animal negative interaction and contributing practical knowledge to Wildlife Conservation.

Mr. Bijayan Panda
Fishery Expert
Bijayan Panda has done his graduation in Industrial Fish and Fisheries from West Bengal State University. He has over 5 years of experience in supervisory role in the field of crab culture, fish culture as well as in fish processing unit. He has been working in NEWS since 2018.

Mr. Gourab Chowdhury
Fishery Expert
Gourab Choudhury has completed M. Tech in Environmental Management from University of Kalyani. He has more than 5 years research experience as JRF & SRF (Junior/ Senior Research Fellow) in different projects at ICAR-Central Institute of Freshwater Aquaculture (NFDB project on Impact assessment of Pacu, DBT project on SC/ST community development of Sundarban, DBT-Twinning project on Pabda) and 1 year experience in WBADMIP as Fishery Expert. He has expertise in IFS and catfish breeding.

Mr. Yabesh Bhitrikoty
Agriculture expert
Yabesh Bhitrikoty, M. SC. Horticulture passed out from Sikkim University with specialization on Medicinal aromatic plantation and spices plants. He carries 2 years of working experience with Spices Board as a spices extension trainee at Kalimpong, West Bengal, and has various knowledge about organic farming, nursery management and providing technical support. Currently, he is working with Nature Environment & Wildlife Society as an Agriculture Expert in WBADMI Project, Kurseong. I also attended various training in office handling, preparing reports, holding training and seminars, and has certificate in organic farming, organic seed grower, vermicomposting expert.

Mr. Indrajit Sarkar
Diploma Engineer
Indrojit Sarkar is a professional Civil Engineer experienced in the building and planning of infrastructure projects like roads, building, dams etc. He has completed B.E. in Civil Engineering from The University of Burdwan and is associated with WBADMI project of NEWS since 2017. He has expertise in AutoCAD drawing and budgets & project resources management.

Mr. Bijay Lama
Diploma Engineer
Bejoy Lama, is a Diploma degree holder in Civil Engineering from Darjeeling Polytechnic Institute. Experienced in working with Kurseong Development Block as a Skilled technical Person (Nirman Sahayak) for 2 years and was assigned for preparing design and implementation of rural roads, jhora rejuvenation, wall protection, plantation, planning of different construction, Field Management etc. Moreover, he has 5 years job experience in civil engineering field. Presently he is associated as a Civil Engineer for technical projects in NEWS.

Ms. Payel Patra
Field Animator
Payel Patra has completed graduation in Bengali (Hons) from Burdwan University, M.A. in Bengali from Calcutta University and B.Ed. from Burdwan University. She is interested in sports, drama, singing, etc. She has been working with NEWS as a field animator and educator since 2022.

Mr. Anup Kr. Manna
Field Animator
Anup Kumar Manna is a Graduate from Calcutta University having vast field level work experience of more than 7 years in Sunderban as a field Animator. He is trained in sustainable development (WWF-India, WBSO), Hilsa conservation (International water Association) and SHGs/SGSY Group (National Bank for Agriculture and Rural development) etc.

Mr. Subhrojit Kar
MIS Officer
Subhrojit is an MSW from IISWBM, Kolkata, with specialization in community development and labour welfare. He has over 4 years of work experience in the development sector in social outreach and livelihood domain. He is very passionate about wildlife and environment conservation. Presently he is working in NEWS as an MIS Officer.

Mr. Tayan Das
Field Assistant
Tayan Das is a Masters in Anthropology from West Bengal State University. He is experienced in various tribal communities in rural areas of West Bengal and also has interest in wildlife research study. Currently working as a Field Assistant in this organisation and is happy to engage in different type of research for conservation works.

Mr. Deepraj Khawas
Community worker
Deepraj Khawas, from Toryok, Sittong-II, Kurseong. He has passed his schooling from SUM Institution and went to Agra for further studies. He completed graduation from Dr. Bhimrao Ambedkar University, Agra. Presently he is working with NEWS in WBADMI project as Community Worker.

Mr. Paritosh Giri
Zonal Manager
He has long experience and good exposure to the related works he undertook. ; he is hardworking, very productive and able to work in team. He is responsible for Sagar zone.

Mr. Chandan Kr. Maity
Zonal Manager
Mr.Chandan Kumar Maiti has been working with our organisation as a Field Officer for a period of 12 years. He is responsible for Saptamukhani zone.

Mr. Biswajit Mondal
Zonal Manager
Mr. Mondal has been working with our organisation as a Field Officer for over 12 years. He is an expert in community mobilization and is responsible for Bidya-Raimongol zone in Sundarban.

Mr. Bidyut Maity
Office Assistant
Bidyut is one of the oldest members of the organisations and works as a support staff for the official works.

Mr. Sujan Das
Data Entry Operator
Sujan has completed his M.A. degree in History from The University of Burdwan. He has 5 years field experience in community development programme under WBADMI project of NEWS.

Mr. Satyajit Mondal
Manager cum Computer Operator
Satyajit Mondal has completed B. Com. from University of Calcutta and has 3 years experience in accounting and data management under WBADMI project of NEWS.

Mr. Gopinath Halder
Field Supervisor
He is working as the field supervisor in NEWS and is responsible for monitoring as well as community connect in the field areas

Mr. Bhagabath Shasmal
Field Supervisor
He is working as the field supervisor in NEWS and is responsible for monitoring as well as community connect in the field areas

Mr. Kunal Mondal
Field Supervisor
He is working as the field supervisor in NEWS and is responsible for monitoring as well as community connect in the field areas

Mr. Ashok Mandal
Field Supervisor
He is working as the field supervisor in NEWS and is responsible for monitoring as well as community connect in the field areas

Mr. Palash Mondal
Field Supervisor
He is working as the field supervisor in NEWS and is responsible for monitoring as well as community connect in the field areas

Mr. Dipankar Mondal
Field Supervisor
He is working as the field supervisor in NEWS and is responsible for monitoring as well as community connect in the field areas

Mr. Prabir Mondal
Field Supervisor
Prabir is a nature lover and has been involved in conservation activities and environment protection for the past 10 years. He is one of our field supervisors who works closely with the community in mangrove restoration along with livelihood augmentation works

Mr. Provash Mondal
Field Supervisor
He is working as the field supervisor in NEWS and is responsible for monitoring as well as community connect in the field areas

Mr. Amalesh Jana
Field Supervisor
He is working as the field supervisor in NEWS and is responsible for monitoring as well as community connect in the field areas

Mr.Keny J. New Port
Project Manager
Keny has completed his Masters in Zoology and with the passion towards Wildlife Research and Conservation, he has started his career in research in small and big mammals, Human- Elephant Conflict and Shola Sky Island Forest Birds and worked extensively in Western Ghats. Towards diversification of research, he was involved in the study and conservation of Turtles and Sloth Bear in East Coast of India. With his 4 years of grass root level field experience, published 13 research articles and also Editor in Acta Scientific Journal. Now he is privileged to join NEWS team to coordinate mangrove afforestation and promotion, by involving various stakeholders in the project, including Government Mechanisms and rural communities.

Dr. Reetashree Bordoloi
Environment Officer-Climate Change
Reetashree holds M.Sc. degree in Environmental Science and Ph.D. degree in Forestry. Her area of specialization is Forest Ecology and Biodiversity Conservation. She has worked on carbon stock and carbon sequestration potential of terrestrial ecosystem. She has worked under NRSC-ISRO sponsored project on “Vegetation Carbon pool assessment” and DST, New Delhi sponsored project on “Impact of climate change on bioresources and livelihoods of local people of Arunachal Pradesh”. She is presently working as Environment Officer-Climate Change on IKI-Living Lakes Biodiversity and Climate Project in Deepor Beel, Assam.

Mr.Pranab Kalita
Field Supervisor
Pranab holds a Bachelor's degree in Arts from Hari Gayatri Das College, Azara . He is a local resident of the Deepor Beel area and knows the place very well. He is presently working as a field supervisor in IKI- LLBCP project in Deepor Beel, Assam. His hobbies are playing football and trekking in the adjacent Rani-Garbhanga Reserve Forest.

Dr Mayur Bawri
Project Manager
Dr Mayur Bawri earned his master’s in Zoological Science from the Department of Zoology, Gauhati University and a PhD in Animal Ecology and Wildlife Sciences from the same department. For his PhD he studied the population demography and habitat utilisation pattern of Endangered Asiatic Wild Water Buffalo in Kaziranga National Park, Assam. Dr. Bawri was awarded Research Fellowship in Science for Meritorious Student (RF-SMS) under UGC’s Basic Research Scheme (BRS) for 5 years for his Doctoral Research. Dr. Bawri carries work experience of more than 15 years in the field of Wildlife Conservation and Research and has published his findings in peer reviewed International and National journals of repute. He has worked with organisation like Bombay Natural History Society, The Corbett Foundation, Cotton University in various capacities. He has experience of working with local community in and around Protected Areas. Before joining Nature Environment and Wildlife Society, Dr Bawri was engaged as Scientist ‘D’ in the Integrated Regional Office, Guwahati, Ministry of Environment Forest and Climate Change, Govt. of India.